zoachien at securax.org zoachien at securax.org
Wed Apr 1 15:30:00 CDT 2009

For those looking for the faq on that page :)

Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 11:27:17AM -0500, Cary Fitch wrote:
>> It uses proprietary EDC.  (Extreme Data Compression)  The 140 bytes at 8
>> bits each, and that is 2^140^8, a nearly inexhaustible key number which is
>> related to audio and video data simultaneously stored on a Google Database,
>> which is then sent to the user.
>> Thus with the 140 byte message, full audio and video can be retrieved.
>> This is an outgrowth of the data compression program circa about 1992, when
>> disks were much smaller than today.  A very small compression program would
>> infinitely compress data on a disk to allow storage of more data.  It was
>> only a 200 bytes or so in size (DOS days):-) and worked perfectly.  Running
>> it once resulted in lots of storage space.  It took very little time.  Of
>> course rewriting the MBR (Master Boot Record) takes very little time.
>> Recovering the "compressed" data was tough though.
> There were some later implementations of that idea. Here's a rather
> efficient one:
> http://web.archive.org/web/20010405094403/http://lzip.sourceforge.net/

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