[asterisk-users] OT: ARI

David Backeberg dbackeberg at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 20:52:47 CDT 2008

> Because that would mean changing the entire vanilla framework with over 200
> users on it.

I don't know anything about your vanilla framework, or how complicated
it is. That said, there are lots of places in FreePBX where you can
interject regular vanilla dialplan, you just end up using files with
funny names, like extensions_additional.conf rather than

Admittedly, I don't do things that way. I have separate systems where
GUI is the most important thing, and almost nothing is NOT in FreePBX.
Those systems play systems recordings IVR-style, allow searching the
CDRs, but don't record calls, and maybe recording calls is what you
mean by "recordings". On these machines, the ability of people who
weren't Asterisk experts to click around and make changes was the most
important thing.

The systems that were built vanilla have stayed that way, and have a
hand built web gui for the few things that require web gui.

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