[asterisk-users] debugging hints in 1.6

Philipp Kempgen philipp.kempgen at amooma.de
Wed Oct 8 10:33:09 CDT 2008

Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak schrieb:
>>> 601,hint,SIP/mjc_office&SIP/mjc_home&SIP/mjc_lab&SIP/mjc_server&SIP/mjc_library
>>> Sometimes asterisk gets confused, though, and reports my extension as 
>>> in-use, even though no channels are active. Dialing something makes the 
>>> hint report "inactive" - the states are inverted, in other words.
>>> How can I debug that? Can I display the individual states of each sip 
>>> line (SIP/mjc_office, SIP/mjc_home, etc) comprising the hint?
>> sip show subscriptions
> Hmm, I'll see if that gives me any clues...

Or you could try 'sip show inuse'.

> I don't suppose there is some sort of "core show devicestates" command, 
> or something similar?

Not that I'm aware of. There is 'devstate list' but that's for
_custom_ device states.

   Philipp Kempgen

http://www.das-asterisk-buch.de  -  http://www.the-asterisk-book.com
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