[asterisk-users] debugging hints in 1.6

Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak mjc at avtechpulse.com
Wed Oct 8 08:58:19 CDT 2008


I use hints to drive the LEDs on my snom phones, something like:

exten => 
exten => 601,2,Voicemail(601 at internal,u)
exten => 601,102,Voicemail(601 at internal,u)
exten => 

Sometimes asterisk gets confused, though, and reports my extension as 
in-use, even though no channels are active. Dialing something makes the 
hint report "inactive" - the states are inverted, in other words.

How can I debug that? Can I display the individual states of each sip 
line (SIP/mjc_office, SIP/mjc_home, etc) comprising the hint? Has anyone 
seen similar behavior?

- Mike

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