[asterisk-users] Asterisk with or without OpenSER

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Wed Nov 19 10:44:05 CST 2008

You should ask on the proper FS venue.  I typically "Don't Believe the
Hype" about anything until I can lab it up and take it for a test
drive and prove it out.

Google can be a good tool too, but you have to wade through propaganda
to get to other people's real world experiences.

My only advice, since I do not monitor FS venues is to "check it out",
I think FS is a snowball gaining momentum.

Steve Totaro
+18887771888 (Toll Free)
+12409381212 (Cell)
+12024369784 (Skype)

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 10:28 AM, mail-lists <mail-lists at peachnet.com> wrote:
> Steve,
> Hijacking this post here - How 'good' is freeswitch currently. I'm
> looking for some sort of SIP proxy and have looked into openser and ser.
> Freeswitch seems to have more functionality than these and it seems a
> lot easier to configure. I particularly like the xml config files, etc.
> Our long term goal is to use some sort of SBC for sip registrations,
> call routing, maybe even basic applications like voicemail and use
> Asterisk for media gateways, maybe transcoding, etc.
> Am I completely missing the mark as to whether freeswitch can do this
> sort of thing or is there a 'better' way to do it.
> Thanks!
>> Look into FreeSwitch.  http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/FreeSwitch_FAQ
>> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 7:29 AM, Yehavi Bourvine
>> <yehavi.bourvine at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>   I am running a small installation of asterisk and looking for future
>>> expansion of it to handle thousands of users. From what I read I see that
>>> usually large installation place OpenSER (or similar solution) in front of
>>> Asterisk in order to provide high call rate because "OpenSER does only
>>> signalling while Asterisk does all". My question is: If Asterisk also does
>>> only signalling (i.e. the voice traffic goes directly between the phones and
>>> not via asterisk) is it still that slow? I preffer to have one software
>>> package rather than dealing with two.
>>>                               Thanks! __Yehavi:

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