[asterisk-users] Parking help - causing Asterisk crash

Daniel Johnson dan.j at scanningsystems.com.au
Thu Nov 13 01:57:40 CST 2008


I am having some trouble with parked calls timing out.

In features.conf:
parkext => 800                  ; What extension to dial to park
parkpos => 801-820              ; What extensions to park calls on

After the Park timesout it calls the phone that the call was parked 
from. If the phone is BUSY the call just get dropped. (Call waiting is 
off for other reason)
What I would like is control over the call if it does not get answered 
from the redial.

I have added a [park-dial] context in extentions.conf
I am not sure how to gain control over the call however. After the call 
back to the phone that parked it, it reaches the hangup extension.
I can take control of it with the _. match however I don't think that is 
the correct way. Is it?
Also if I do take control this way. Asterisk crashes in some cases. It 
crashes when the channel has a <ZOMBIE> at the end of it.
I am not sure what this is. I take it that the parked person got sick of 
waiting and hung up????


; The parked call rings the person that parked the call first! Then 
comes here
;exten => _.,1,NoOp(Park Timeout - ${CALLERID(num)})
;exten => _.,n,Set(CALLERID(name)=Park Timeout)
;exten => _.,n,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Classic-2)
;exten => _.,n,Dial(SIP/500,30)
;exten => _.,n,Dial(SIP/518,30)      
;exten => _.,n,Dial(SIP/504,30)
;exten => _.,n,Queue(queue-reception)

exten => _SIP/5XX,101,NoOp(101)
exten => _SIP/5XX,201,NoOp(201)
exten => _SIP/5XX,n,Dial(SIP/550,30))   

exten => t,1,NoOp(Park Timeout - ${CALLERID(num)})

exten => h,1,NoOp(Park Hangup - ${CALLERID(num)})
exten => h,n,Hangup

Here is a CLI dump of what happens with the above.

    -- Added extension 'SIP/511' priority 1 to park-dial
  == Timeout for SIP/551-b6d409d8 parked on 801. Returning to 
    -- Executing [SIP/511 at park-dial:1] Dial("SIP/551-b6d409d8", 
"SIP/511|30|t") in new stack
    -- Called 511
    -- SIP/511-08257b08 is ringing
    -- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms
  == Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/551-b6d409d8' status is 'NOANSWER'
    -- Executing [h at park-dial:1] NoOp("SIP/551-b6d409d8", "Park Hangup - 
551") in new stack
    -- Executing [h at park-dial:2] Hangup("SIP/551-b6d409d8", "") in new stack
  == Spawn extension (park-dial, h, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/551-b6d409d8'

Here is CLI dump of ZOMBIE with the _. code in h.

[Nov 13 15:48:03] VERBOSE[11694] logger.c:   == Timeout for Zap/5-1 
parked on 801. Returning to park-dial,SIP/512,1
[Nov 13 15:48:03] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- Executing 
[SIP/512 at park-dial:1] Dial("Zap/5-1", "SIP/512|30|t") in new stack
[Nov 13 15:48:03] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- Called 512
[Nov 13 15:48:03] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- SIP/512-0838fa50 is 
[Nov 13 15:48:35] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- Nobody picked up in 
30000 ms
[Nov 13 15:48:35] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- Executing 
[SIP/512 at park-dial:2] Set("Zap/5-1", "CALLERID(name)=Park Timeout") in 
new stack
[Nov 13 15:48:35] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- Executing 
[SIP/512 at park-dial:3] SIPAddHeader("Zap/5-1", "Alert-Info: Classic-2") 
in new stack
[Nov 13 15:48:35] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- Executing 
[SIP/512 at park-dial:4] Dial("Zap/5-1", "SIP/500|30") in new stack
[Nov 13 15:48:35] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- Called 500
[Nov 13 15:48:35] VERBOSE[11695] logger.c:     -- Got SIP response 486 
"Busy Here" back from
[Nov 13 15:48:35] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- SIP/500-08375678 is busy
[Nov 13 15:48:35] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:   == Everyone is 
busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0)
[Nov 13 15:48:35] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- Executing 
[SIP/512 at park-dial:5] Dial("Zap/5-1", "SIP/518|30") in new stack
[Nov 13 15:48:35] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- Called 518
[Nov 13 15:48:35] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- SIP/518-08352748 is 
[Nov 13 15:48:37] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- SIP/518-08352748 
answered Zap/5-1
[Nov 13 15:49:01] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- Started music on hold, 
class 'default', on Zap/5-1
[Nov 13 15:49:05] VERBOSE[14455] logger.c:     -- Executing 
[800 at from-internal:1] Park("SIP/518-b6f98fd0", "") in new stack
[Nov 13 15:49:06] VERBOSE[14455] logger.c:   == Parked SIP/518-b6f98fd0 
on 801 at parkedcalls. Will timeout back to extension [from-internal] s, 1 
in 120 seconds
[Nov 13 15:49:06] VERBOSE[14455] logger.c:     -- <SIP/518-b6f98fd0> 
Playing 'digits/8' (language 'au')
[Nov 13 15:49:09] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:   == Spawn extension 
(park-dial, SIP/512, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/518-b6f98fd0<ZOMBIE>'
[Nov 13 15:49:09] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- Executing 
[h at park-dial:1] NoOp("SIP/518-b6f98fd0<ZOMBIE>", "Park Timeout - 518") 
in new stack
[Nov 13 15:49:09] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- Executing 
[h at park-dial:2] Set("SIP/518-b6f98fd0<ZOMBIE>", "CALLERID(name)=Park 
Timeout") in new stack
[Nov 13 15:49:09] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- Executing 
[h at park-dial:3] SIPAddHeader("SIP/518-b6f98fd0<ZOMBIE>", "Alert-Info: 
Classic-2") in new stack
[Nov 13 15:49:09] VERBOSE[14454] logger.c:     -- Executing 
[h at park-dial:4] Dial("SIP/518-b6f98fd0<ZOMBIE>", "SIP/500|30") in new stack

Can someone point me in the right direction?
How should parked calls be implemented if this is wrong?


*Daniel Johnson*
Systems Administrator / Systems Development
Scanning Systems Australia

Scanning Systems Australia

*Office:* +61 7 3387 5555
*Facsimile:* +61 7 3387 5588
*E-mail:* dan.j at scanningsystems.com.au <mailto:dan.j at scanningsystems.com.au>
*Website:* http://www.scanningsystems.com.au
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