[asterisk-users] playing .gsm sounds through a web browser

Lenz lenz-ml at loway.it
Fri May 16 04:43:36 CDT 2008

I don't want to add to the list of supported players - my suggestion is to  
do the recordings as WAV, so you get the same quality and compression  
results but it's playable natively on any Windows box.
Another choice to get this issue solved, if you have a system  that is not  
24/7 in use, why not running a nightly job to do recoding to voice-rate  
MP3? playable anywhere, good quality, small footprint.
I have a makefile somewhere to do that, even starting from .gsm.... I  
think it's this one: http://astrecipes.net/index.php?n=294

On Fri, 16 May 2008 01:26:15 +0200, Julian Lyndon-Smith  
<asterisk at dotr.com> wrote:

> I have a lot of recordings from asterisk in a .gsm format. I would like
> to play these files from a web browser (IE, firefox and opera)
> What do I need to do in order to achieve this goal ?
> Thanks
> Julian

Loway Research - Home of QueueMetrics

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