[asterisk-users] cannot get calls with Tellfree brazilian provider

gincantalupo gincantalupo at fgasoftware.com
Tue May 13 05:29:50 CDT 2008

I'm making some tests with Tellfree brazilian provider. I'm using 2 
users A and B, one for calling and the other to receive calls. When I 
make a call I can see (from the CLI console) user A is calling user B 
but user B does not answer (the phone continues to ring) even if the 
"sip show registry" command says user B is registered.
In my sip.conf I have:

register => userB:password at sip.tellfree.net/userB

type = peer
nat = yes
insecure = very
canreinvite = yes
qualify = yes
;---- Authentication and channel options ----
secret = xxxxxx
username = yyyyyyy
authuser = yyyyyyy
authname = yyyyyyy
fromuser = yyyyyyy
host = sip.tellfree.net
fromdomain = sip.tellfree.net
port = 5060
context = tellfreein

Is there anybody (Brazilian or not) who can give me a hint, please?

Thank you.


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