[asterisk-users] better enumlookup handler

Brian J. Murrell brian at interlinx.bc.ca
Thu May 8 09:59:37 CDT 2008

To this end, I have taken a first pass at a Perl AGI script to look up
and return a list of URIs for a given phone number.  I will not pretend
that I have read the relevant RFCs but have implemented based on the
knowledge I have gathered about ENUM lookups from various sources.

Given my dialplan macro (included as a comment in the AGI script) it
seems to work here, including rolling over (in order of preference) to
alternate URIs if there is a failure to make a connection on any
previous URIs.

The code can be found at http://brian.interlinx.bc.ca/enumlookup.agi

Constructive criticism appreciated.

About the only TODO I can think of right now is to sort by preference of
the records gathered from all of the domains searched rather than
sorting by order of preference within each domain.

Additionally, I could use the "search" value in
the /etc/asterisk/enum.conf file rather than hard coding them into the
AGI script I suppose.

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