[asterisk-users] Centile ipbx, anyone heard of this?

randulo spamsucks2005 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 20:57:59 CDT 2008

On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 10:01 PM, C. Savinovich
<c.savinovich at itntelecom.com> wrote:
> seemed to be running ok.  I could have done the same thing with asterisk :)

Basically, I was really curious why a company would use this instead
of asterisk. Apparently, as I said, there is a reference in the docs,
something like "if you use asterisk on the same machine (or maybe
network), ..." I understand why people use SER, but wanted to know
about this. When you google centile there's little info.

I couldn't sleep, woke up in the middle of the night,, I think I may
have solved the problem I was having but I can't test the solution
until it's a decent hour (now=4AM). The problem was totally idiotic. I
had left a phone on another site and it was registering to the same
account as a phone on this site. I believe the way Centile deals with
NAT may be part of why it's different from asterisk.

Thanks for your comments,


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