[asterisk-users] 1.4.?? or ZapTel 1.4.X DIGITAL Calls are Broken

Russell Brown russell at lls.lls.com
Wed Jan 2 13:41:40 CST 2008

Don't you just hate it when something was working and when you come to
use it in anger it's broken :-(

Something in the, fairly, recent series of Asterisk updates has broken
DIGITAL call passthrough.

I've an ISDN PBX behind my Asterisk Box (PRI ISDN comes into port 1 of a
Digium Wildcard and the PBX it connected to port 2 via an ISDN crossover

This PBX used to be able to make and receive DIGITAL type ISDN calls
through the Asterisk box...  but something in the latest generation of
updates has broken it and although the calls seem to work the old PBX
just won't route traffic. Voice calls still work fine.

I've proven it's something in Asterisk by connecting the old PBX
directly to our ISDN PRI line and it still works fine.

It looks like the Asterisk box is trying to make a DIGITAL type call:

	-- Accepting overlap call from 'xxxxxxxxxx' to '0xxxxxxxxxx' on channel 0/15, span 2
	-- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/46-1'
	-- Executing [0xxxxxxxxxx at alchemy:1] Set("Zap/46-1", "CALLERID(number)=xxxxxx") in new stack
	-- Executing [0xxxxxxxxxx at alchemy:2] Set("Zap/46-1", "SipChan=Zap/46") in new stack
	-- Executing [0xxxxxxxxxx at alchemy:3] Set("Zap/46-1", "SipNo=46") in new stack
	-- Executing [0xxxxxxxxxx at alchemy:4] NoOp("Zap/46-1", "Sip is 46") in new stack
	-- Executing [0xxxxxxxxxx at alchemy:5] GotoIf("Zap/46-1", "?grecord:gnorecord") in new stack
	-- Goto (alchemy,0xxxxxxxxxx,18)
	-- Executing [0xxxxxxxxxx at alchemy:18] Dial("Zap/46-1", "Zap/g1/0xxxxxxxxxx|9999|TWK") in new stack
	-- Requested transfer capability: 0x08 - DIGITAL
	-- Called g1/0xxxxxxxxxx
	-- Zap/1-1 is proceeding passing it to Zap/46-1
	-- Zap/1-1 is ringing
	-- Zap/1-1 answered Zap/46-1
	-- Channel 0/15, span 2 got hangup request, cause 16
	-- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'

The debug available on the old PBX (Network Alchemy Argent Office) is
errr...  limited :-( (read non-existant).

Any suggestions on how I can even start debugging this?  Again I'm sure
it's Asterisk 'interfering' and I know it used to work in earlier 1.4.X


| Russell Brown          | MAIL: russell at lls.com PHONE: 01780 471800 |
| Lady Lodge Systems     | WWW Work: http://www.lls.com              |
| Peterborough, England  | WWW Play: http://www.ruffle.me.uk         |

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