[asterisk-users] [1.4 + FreeBSD 6.2] Playing WAV PCM file?

Vincent vincent.delporte at bigfoot.com
Tue Jan 1 04:06:19 CST 2008


Happy New Year! I succesfully installed the Ports of Zaptel BSD 1.4.0
and Asterisk 1.4.13 (that's the latest in the Ports). To save CPU, I'd
like to play PCM WAV files instead of eg. GSM. Per...


... I recorded a sample of my voice using XP's Sound Recorder, then
ran the following :

sox test_wav.wav -r 8000 -c 1 -s -w test_wav_out.wav resample -ql

But it seems like I'm missing the codec or something:

  -- Executing [s at default:2] Playback("SIP/2000-0871d000",
"/usr/local/lib/asterisk/test_wav_out.wav") in new stack

WARNING[37390]: file.c:563 ast_openstream_full: File
/usr/local/lib/asterisk/test_wav_out.wav does not exist in any format

WARNING[37390]: file.c:866 ast_streamfile: Unable to open
/usr/local/lib/asterisk/test_wav_out.wav (format 0x4 (ulaw)): No such
file or directory

Here's what "core show file formats" says:
Format     Name       Extensions
gsm        wav49      WAV|wav49
slin       wav        wav
adpcm      vox        vox
slin       sln        sln|raw
g722       g722       g722
ulaw       au         au
alaw       alaw       alaw|al
ulaw       pcm        pcm|ulaw|ul|mu
ilbc       iLBC       ilbc
h264       h264       h264
h263       h263       h263
gsm        gsm        gsm
g729       g729       g729
g726       g726-16    g726-16
g726       g726-24    g726-24
g726       g726-32    g726-32
g726       g726-40    g726-40
g723       g723sf     g723|g723sf
18 file formats registered.

Am I missing something in the configuration files, or maybe I'm
missing some module?

Thank you.

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