[asterisk-users] Manual Wardialer

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Sat Apr 26 22:42:58 CDT 2008

On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 10:27 PM, Lee Jenkins <lee at datatrakpos.com> wrote:
> Andreas van dem Helge wrote:
> > Does anyone have a script for manual wardialer for asterisk? not sure
>  >  if "wardialer" is the correct term but basically I want to call X
>  >  number say 555-0000 through 555-0050 and be able to listen to each
>  >  call and when I hang up or press a key it will dial the next number
>  >  for me. I guess sort of like "scanning" an exchange but I want to be
>  >  on the line and if possible complete / talk on certain calls.
>  >
>  I think this is more of a "power" dialer rather than a predictive dialer, which
>  uses a predictive algorithm to pace calling based on current and history data.
>  I think vicidial is capable of both types of dialing I think.
>  --
>  Warm Regards,
>  Lee

I suppose you could write a pretty simple perl (or whatever script)
that could continually check the channel status and if idle, create a
.call file with NXXNXXXXXX (variable set in script) and then loop it
to dial NXXNXXXXXX + 1 or monitor the AMI for the Hangup event.

I think Vicidial is a huge overkill for your description of needs.
You make it sound as if only one person would be dialing one number at
a time and only pause on an answer and only for the duration

Steve Totaro

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