[asterisk-users] how to copy a variable without interpretation of the content

Philipp Kempgen philipp.kempgen at amooma.de
Wed Apr 23 09:06:49 CDT 2008

Eric Dantie schrieb:
> Sorry, bad expressed, what I want to know is how can I do this in AEL:
> I've already got a variable X-CALLID with the content ctprueba-123456789.12
> How can I copy the content X-CALLID to the new variable TEST?
> something like TEST=${X-CALLID};
> (The problem comes because of the operator minus).

I'm not sure if "-" is a valid character in the name of a variable
in AEL. It's not allowed in just about any other language. So first
of all I'd rename X-CALLID to X_CALLID.

  Philipp Kempgen

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