[asterisk-users] SIP outboundproxy for asterisk

Amit Nagpal anagpal at velankani.com
Thu Apr 17 23:25:06 CDT 2008


I have searched through the archives on this mailing list, but didn't 
find a solution to the outboundproxy problem. Can someone please help?

I wish to configure Asterisk such that all outgoing SIP requests get
relayed to an outboundproxy, instead of the actual recipient directly.

In my setup, I wish to use OpenSER as an outboundproxy that is running 
on the same box and network-interface as Asterisk itself, but listening 
on a different SIP port. 

I have tried the following, but none has worked:

1) Specify an outboundproxy in sip.conf

Asterisk still goes out to the callee directly.

2) I tried the following as well:
exten => _.,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@${SIPDOMAIN})

In this case OpenSER receives an INVITE with a RURI as ->

INVITE at external.com

Which obviously is not successfully parsed by OpenSER.

Can you please help me configure Asterisk to use my OpenSER as an
Outboundproxy for all outgoing call legs?

Thanks in advance,

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