[asterisk-users] Digium B410P, bristuff and BRI support in 1.6

Jean-Denis Girard jd.girard at sysnux.pf
Mon Apr 7 18:57:06 CDT 2008


Tzafrir Cohen a écrit :
> On Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 06:29:09PM +0200, Olivier wrote:
>> Do you think it could work with a Bewan Gazel 128 USB ?
>> I could get a hand on one and before diving into it, I would be very curious
>> to get your opinion on it.
>> I read carefully the thread you pointed me to and specifically I read :
>> http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-dev/2008-March/032164.html
>> >From it, I understood Bristuff's zaphfc was key for that.
>> I'm not aware of any zaptel driver for such HFC USB modem (some Xorcom's
>> products use USB, so ...) so I'm inclined to think it's not possible but
>> it's better to ask ...
> Just to clarify: Our device does not use the HFC-USB chip. I'm indeed
> not aware of any zaptel driver for such a device.

I agree with Tzafir, I'm not aware of zaptel support for HFC-USB; I 
checked bristuff, it doesn't support it.

> Would be interesting to see one.


Jean-Denis Girard

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