[asterisk-users] AsteriskNOW and IE

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 04:53:24 CDT 2008

Tony Mountifield wrote:
<snip />
> Does anyone know what it would take to make the GUI compatible with IE
> as well as FF?
That's a big question.

There are *so many* inconsistencies with IE. See 
http://www.positioniseverything.net/ for a good accumulated list of many 
of the bugs and hacks to try and fix it.

Good designers can usually avoid most of the pitfalls but there comes a 
time when you just have to code around it...

Not having used AsteriskNow I don't know the real issues but I'm sure 
there is a good reason for not trying to accommodate IE. Firefox is 
free, your customer would probably only need it on one or two machines 
at the most, and, if they are going with Asterisk, then there shouldn't 
be any ethical resistance against using OSS - as long as they know * is 
OSS I guess...


The way out is open!

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