[asterisk-users] Prevent multiple sip registrations

Jerry Jones jjones at danrj.com
Tue Sep 11 08:14:24 CDT 2007

On Sep 11, 2007, at 7:29 AM, Eric "ManxPower" Wieling wrote:

> Rizwan Hisham wrote:
>> well he does not have access to hi sip settings, so he cant edit the
>> host=<differentIP> every time he moves or registers from anyother  
>> place.
>> Actually he should be able to register from anywhere in the world  
>> but once
>> he has registered with us, i dont want anyone else to register  
>> with my
>> asterisk using his credentials.
> Then make sure nobody else knows his credentials.  This isn't rocket
> science.
> How exactly do you propose to determine of the user moved the  
> device to
> a new location .vs. a 2nd device trying to register with the same
> credentials.
> In any case, Asterisk does not have any facilities to do what you want
> to  do.

How about some method of checking for a current registration when a  
new one is received. If presently registered at a different IP then  
disallow new attempt.

No I dont know any existing tool within * to accomplish. Anyone else?

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