[asterisk-users] Split asterisk in two ?? One TDM and One IP only??

Benny Amorsen benny+usenet at amorsen.dk
Wed Oct 24 04:09:06 CDT 2007

>>>>> "SB" == BerkHolz, Steven <StevenBerkHolz at hirotecamerica.com> writes:

SB> [..]

SB> This way I can test different versions of the features of Server2
SB> (clone with different IP) without affecting production. I assume
SB> that I just use an IAX or SIP trunk between the two asterisk
SB> servers.

SB> Does this make sense? Are others doing similar? Are there any
SB> other features that require the TDM card besides PRI, Fax and
SB> Meetme? I have heard of people using Xen for IP only asterisk, but
SB> are there any known gotchas?

It certainly makes sense to put the PRI handling on a separate server.
The PRI handling is quite time sensitive, so it makes sense to keep it
on a less loaded server.

I don't know whether it makes sense to use Xen for the IP-only servers
though. Xen has traditionally been bad for latency, and even IP-only
servers need to handle requests with reasonably low latency. We have
had good luck with Linux-Vserver and OpenVZ -- one of those may be
able to provide you with the features you require. The advantage is
that they use one kernel for both host and guests, so the latency
should be no worse than it is for a physical server.


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