[asterisk-users] Automatic provisioning of Sipura handsets (was: A linksys SPA921 behind NAT and firewall)

Luki lugosoft at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 10:52:37 CDT 2007

> Luki, thanks for writing to say it DOES work. I've have just now had
> another look, found my mistakes (basically $MAC instead of $MA), and
> it's working!

I'm glad you got it sorted out. Yes, it works with XML or compiled
files. To help with troubleshooting, specify a syslog server and set
the debug level to 3 in the initial spaXXX.cfg, and the device will
tell you what it tried, what worked and what failed (i.e. XML parse
error, invalid parameter, URLs, etc.). That's just a note should
someone get hang up on that in the future.


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