[asterisk-users] Oddball time problem in CID

Chuck Bunn chuck.bunn at networkdoc.com
Fri Oct 5 16:10:08 CDT 2007


I have a really oddball time problem. When I check the server time using 
'date' it is correct. When I review the time in Freepbx (under time 
conditions) it is correct. When I look at the time stamp in the CDR it 
is correct. When I review the time displayed for a voicemail in a web 
browser it is correct. When I hit *98 and then my extension the CID says 
a time that is some 6 hours off (early)??? I am really confused where 
could CID be getting this bogus info???

I am using Centos 4.5, Asterisk and Freepbx version


Chuck Bunn

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