[asterisk-users] Voicemail/dtmf not working?
Alan Lord
alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 11:10:38 CDT 2007
I am setting up an asterisk server for testing purposes and cannot get
voicemail to work at all.
My host OS is Linux From Scratch 6.3 and the asterisk software versions
I built are zaptel- and asterisk-1.4.12.
I am using the Ekiga softphone on my Ubuntu desktop machine. My asterisk
server and client phone are on different computers but are on the same
LAN, i.e. no NAT.
I have an "echo test" extension which works fine. But when I try to call
into my voicemail account using 8100, I do not hear the first "Playing
'vm_password'" message (although do I hear the subsequent messages). And
any numbers I enter on the ekiga keypad do not seem to be recognised by
asterisk (I enabled debug rdp and rfc2833 packets appear to be
transmitted and received). The softphone is set up to use RFC2833 for DTMF.
I have a single x100p card installed which seems to work - to a
fashion... Incoming calls are answered and the greeting is heard, but
the line hangs up instantly the message finishes. (A different problem
which I will investigate seperately unless someone has a quick answer).
Outgoing calls seem to be O.K. An lsmod of my system reveals the following:
Module Size Used by
zttranscode 6280 0
wcfxo 9760 0
zaptel 186660 6 zttranscode,wcfxo
crc_ccitt 1792 1 zaptel
Below is a typical call log (I *am* typing 1234 on the ekiga keypad
during this call) and my extension, sip and voicemail.conf files. Anyone
got any suggestions?
Messages on log
-- Executing [8100 at internal:1] Answer("SIP/100-081d9478", "") in
new stack
-- Executing [8100 at internal:1] VoiceMailMain("SIP/100-081d9478",
"100") in new stack
-- <SIP/100-081d9478> Playing 'vm-password' (language 'en')
-- Incorrect password '' for user '100' (context = default)
-- <SIP/100-081d9478> Playing 'vm-incorrect' (language 'en')
-- <SIP/100-081d9478> Playing 'vm-password' (language 'en')
-- Incorrect password '' for user '100' (context = default)
-- <SIP/100-081d9478> Playing 'vm-incorrect' (language 'en')
-- <SIP/100-081d9478> Playing 'vm-password' (language 'en')
-- Incorrect password '' for user '100' (context = default)
-- <SIP/100-081d9478> Playing 'vm-incorrect' (language 'en')
-- <SIP/100-081d9478> Playing 'vm-goodbye' (language 'en')
== Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/100-081d9478' status is 'UNKNOWN'
;exten => $name,$priority,$application()
FWDNUMBER=867*** ; My FreeWorldDialup Number
FWDRINGS=${ALANL} ; Phone to ring
FWDVMBOX=1000 ; Voice Mail Box (not yet setup)
[zap_incoming] ; Channel defined in zapata.conf
exten => s,1,Answer( )
exten => s,2,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5)
exten => s,3,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=30)
exten => s,4,Background(vm-enter-num-to-call)
exten => s.5,Wait(5) ;Try to stop line hanging up straight away - failed
exten => t,1,Goto(s,2) ; Repeat s,2 if no input from caller
exten => i,1,Playback(pbx-invalid)
exten => i,2,Goto(s,2)
exten => 100,1,Dial(${ALANL},10)
exten => 100,2,VoiceMail(u100)
exten => 100,102,VoiceMail(b100)
exten => 100,3,Hangup()
include => outbound-local
; My ekiga SoftPhone
exten => 100,1,Dial(${ALANL},,r)
;Outbound to FreeWorlDialup
exten => _393.,1,SetCallerId,${FWDCIDNAME}
exten =>
exten => _393.,3,Congestion
; Local echo test
exten => 611,1,Answer()
exten => 611,2,PlayBack(demo-echotest)
exten => 611,3,Echo()
exten => 611,4,PlayBack(demo-echodone)
exten => 611,5,Hangup()
; Manage Voicemail
exten => _8XXX,1,Answer()
exten => _8XXX,2,VoiceMailMain(${EXTEN:1})
; Outbound via PSTN
exten => _9XXXXXX,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/${EXTEN:1})
exten => _9XXXXXX,2,Congestion()
exten => _9XXXXXX,102,Congestion()
exten => 999,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/999)
exten => 9999,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/999)
[fromiax] ; IAX trunk from Alan B defined in iax.conf
[fromiaxfwd] ;IAX Trunk from FWD
exten => ${FWDNUMBER},1,Dial(${FWDRINGS},20,r)
exten => ${FWDNUMBER},2,Voicemail,u${FWDVMBOX}
exten => ${FWDNUMBER},102,Voicemail,b${FWDVMBOX}
callerid=Alan Lord
qualify=yes ; Qualify peer is no more than 2000 ms away
nat=no ; This phone is not natted
host=dynamic ; This device registers with us
canreinvite=no ; Asterisk by default tries to redirect
context=internal ; the internal context controls what we can do
mailbox=100 ; Voicemail Box
; Send voice file attachments in email notifications
; Use wav49 format for all voicemail messages
; Limit the maximum message length to 180 seconds
; Limit the minimum message length to 3 seconds
; Announce caller's number before playing message
; Limit the login retiries to 3 before disconnecting the caller
100=>1234,Alan Lord,,,
Anyone got any ideas?
The way out is open!
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