[asterisk-users] Problems getting Asterisk to detect call in SUSE9.3, with FritzCard

Frank Church voipfc at googlemail.com
Mon Nov 26 09:32:31 CST 2007

On 26/11/2007, Frank Church <voipfc at googlemail.com> wrote:
> I have installed an Asterisk 1.4 on Suse93 using a FritzCard.
> Some calls are logged to the ISDN log, but Asterisk is not detecting
> incoming calls.
> I wonder whether some other device or process is preventing Asterisk
> from gaining access to the isdn line?
> Is there some way to ensure that only Asterisk can listening to the
> line, or get it to share the line with some other device, such as the
> fax system or some other thing?
> Any ideas?
> Here some of the conf files.
> output of capiinfo command
> ====================
> Number of Controllers : 1
> Controller 1:
> Manufacturer: AVM GmbH
> CAPI Version: 2.0
> Manufacturer Version: 3.11-07  (49.23)
> Serial Number: 1000001
> BChannels: 2
> Global Options: 0x00000039
>    internal controller supported
>    DTMF supported
>    Supplementary Services supported
>    channel allocation supported (leased lines)
> B1 protocols support: 0x4000011f
>    64 kbit/s with HDLC framing
>    64 kbit/s bit-transparent operation
>    V.110 asynconous operation with start/stop byte framing
>    V.110 synconous operation with HDLC framing
>    T.30 modem for fax group 3
>    Modem asyncronous operation with start/stop byte framing
> B2 protocols support: 0x00000b1b
>    ISO 7776 (X.75 SLP)
>    Transparent
>    LAPD with Q.921 for D channel X.25 (SAPI 16)
>    T.30 for fax group 3
>    ISO 7776 (X.75 SLP) with V.42bis compression
>    V.120 asyncronous mode
>    V.120 bit-transparent mode
> B3 protocols support: 0x800000bf
>    Transparent
>    T.90NL, T.70NL, T.90
>    ISO 8208 (X.25 DTE-DTE)
>    X.25 DCE
>    T.30 for fax group 3
>    T.30 for fax group 3 with extensions
>    Modem
>   0100
>   0200
>   39000000
>   1f010040
>   1b0b0000
>   bf000080
>   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
>   01000001 00020000 00000000 00000000 00000000
> Supplementary services support: 0x000003ff
>    Hold / Retrieve
>    Terminal Portability
>    ECT
>    3PTY
>    Call Forwarding
>    Call Deflection
>    MCID
>    CCBS
> ==================
> /etc/isdn/isdn.conf
> =============
> #SuSEconfig.isdn modified unknown
> # example of /etc/isdn/isdn.conf
> #
> # More information: /*
> AREAPREFIX      = 0
> LOGFILE = /var/log/isdn.log
> ILABEL  = %b %e %T %ICall to tei %t from %N2 on %n2
> OLABEL  = %b %e %T %Itei %t calling %N2 with '%n0'
> REPFMTWWW       = "%X %D %17.17H %T %-17.17F %-20.20l SI: %S %9u %U %I %O"
> REPFMTSHORT     = "%X%D %8.8H %T %-14.14F%U%I %O"
> REPFMTNIO       = "  %X %D %16.16H %T %-25.25F %U"
> REPFMT  = "  %X %D %16.16H %T %-16.16F %7u %U %I %O"
> ###########################################################################
> #
> # You can set a daily limit for phone cost for the ISDN interface here.
> # Please note following points and also read the isdnlog documentation:
> #
> # 1. This function may fail for many reasons, here is no guarantee that
> #    this protect you against high cost.
> #    Please be very carefully if you enable dial on demand !!!
> #
> # 2. Neither SuSE Linux AG nor the authors of the software are responsible
> #    for any damage or costs you have if you use or not use this feature.
> #
> # 3. If the charges are going above the limit /etc/isdn/stop is called
> #    and depending on the amount following actions are done:
> #     - 0..1   Euro above limit : short warning with 2 beeps
> #     - 2      Euro above limit : longer warning with 3 beeps
> #     - 3..4   Euro above limit : warning with 5 beeps shutdown isdn
> #              network interfaces
> #     - >= 5   Euro above limit : reboot PC
> #
> #    If you like other actions or values please modify /etc/isdn/stop
> #
> # 4. The number of your provider need an entry in /etc/isdn/callerid.conf,
> #    without CHARGEMAX has no effect.
> #
> # 5. Since it can cause unwanted network shutdowns or reboots, CHARGEMAX
> #    is disabled by default
> #
> ###########################################################################
> # CHARGEMAX       = 50.00
> CURRENCY = 0.062,EUR
> COUNTRYFILE = /usr/lib/isdn/country.dat
> RATECONF= /etc/isdn/rate.conf
> # replace the xx in the next 3 lines with your country's letters!
> RATEFILE= /usr/lib/isdn/rate-xx.dat
> HOLIDAYS= /usr/lib/isdn/holiday-xx.dat
> ZONEFILE= /usr/lib/isdn/zone-xx-%s.cdb
> DESTFILE= /usr/lib/isdn/dest.cdb
> ==========================
> /etc/capi.conf
> ===========
> #SuSEconfig.isdn generated
> # card  file    proto   io      irq     mem     cardnr  options
> fcpci   -       -       -       -       -       1
> =======================
> /etc/asterisk/capi.conf
> ===========================
> ;
> ; CAPI config
> ;
> ;
> ; general section
> [general]
> nationalprefix=0
> internationalprefix=00
> rxgain=1.0       ;linear receive gain (1.0 = no change)
> txgain=1.0       ;linear transmit gain (1.0 = no change)
> language=de      ;set default language
> ;ulaw=yes        ;set this, if you live in u-law world instead of a-law
> ;jb.....         ;with Asterisk 1.4 you can configure jitterbuffer,
>                  ;see Asterisk documentation for all jb* setting available.
> ;mohinterpret=default ;Asterisk 1.4: default music on hold class when
> placed on      hold.
> ; interface sections ...
> [ISDN1]          ;this example interface gets name 'ISDN1' and may be any
>                  ;name not starting with 'g' or 'contr'.
>                  ;Use one interface section for each isdn port!
> ;ntmode=yes      ;if isdn card operates in nt mode, set this to yes
> isdnmode=msn     ;'MSN' (point-to-multipoint) or 'DID' (direct inward dial)
>                  ;when using NT-mode, 'DID' should be set in any case
> incomingmsn=*    ;allow incoming calls to this list of MSNs/DIDs, * = any
> ;defaultcid=123  ;set a default caller id to that interface for dial-out,
>                  ;this caller id will be used when dial option 'd' is set.
> ;controller=0    ;ISDN4BSD default
> ;controller=7    ;ISDN4BSD USB default
> controller=1     ;capi controller number of this interface/port
> group=1          ;dialout group
> ;prefix=0        ;set a prefix to calling number on incoming calls
> softdtmf=on      ;enable/disable software dtmf detection, recommended
> for AVM ca     rds
> relaxdtmf=on     ;in addition to softdtmf, you can use relaxed dtmf detection
> faxdetect=off    ;enable faxdetection and redirection to EXTEN 'fax'
> for incomin     g and/or
>                  ;outgoing calls. (default='off', possible values:
> 'incoming','o     utgoing','both')
> accountcode=     ;PBX accountcode to use in CDRs
> ;amaflags=default;AMA flags for CDR ('default', 'omit', 'billing', or
> 'documenta     tion')
> context=capi-in  ;context for incoming calls
> ;holdtype=hold   ;when the PBX puts the call on hold, ISDN HOLD will be used. If
>                  ;set to 'local' (default value), no hold is done and
> the PBX ma     y
>                  ;play MOH.
> ;immediate=yes   ;DID: immediate start of pbx with extension 's' if no
> digits we     re
>                  ;     received on incoming call (no destination number yet)
>                  ;MSN: start pbx on CONNECT_IND and don't wait for
>                  ;     info like REDIRECTINGNUMBER may be lost, but
> this is nece     ssary for
>                  ;     drivers/pbx/telco which does not send SETUP or
> ;echosquelch=1   ;_VERY_PRIMITIVE_ echo suppression
> ;echocancel=yes  ;EICON DIVA SERVER (CAPI) echo cancelation (yes=g165)
>                  ;(possible values: 'no', 'yes', 'force', 'g164', 'g165')
> echocancelold=yes;use facility selector 6 instead of correct 8
> (necessary for ol     der eicon drivers)
> ;echotail=64     ;echo cancel tail setting (default=0 for maximum)
> ;echocancelnlp=1 ;activate non-linear-processing; this improves echo
> cancel rati     o, but might
>                  ;incorporate variable gain in the signal path.
> ;bridge=yes      ;native bridging (CAPI line interconnect) if available
> ;callgroup=1     ;PBX call group
> ;pickupgroup=1   ;PBX pickup group (which call groups are we allowed to pickup)
> ;language=de     ;set language for this device (overwrites default language)
> ;disallow=all    ;RTP codec selection (valid with Eicon DIVA Server only)
> ;allow=all       ;RTP codec selection (valid with Eicon DIVA Server only)
> devices=2        ;number of concurrent calls (b-channels) on this controller
>                  ;(2 makes sense for single BRI, 30/23 for PRI/T1)
> ;jb.....         ;with Asterisk 1.4 you can configure jitterbuffer,
>                  ;see Asterisk documentation for all jb* setting available.
> ;mohinterpret=default ;Asterisk 1.4: default music on hold class when
> placed on      hold.
> ;qsig=1           ;enable use of Q.SIG extensions. ECMA Variant
> ;qsig_prnum=1234  ;enable inbound bridging - this should be an
> QSIG-network-wide      unique number
> ============================
> asterisk*CLI> module show like capi
> ===========================
> Module                         Description
>  Use Count
> chan_capi.so                   Common ISDN API Driver (1.0.2)           0
> 1 modules loaded
> ======================

I noticed that the /etc/capi.conf looks rather suspect. This is all
there is in it.
Shouldn't there be more in it.

#SuSEconfig.isdn generated
# card  file    proto   io      irq     mem     cardnr  options
fcpci   -       -       -       -       -       1

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