[asterisk-users] sangoma zaptel patches

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
Sun Nov 11 11:56:56 CST 2007

On Sun, Nov 11, 2007 at 12:07:04PM -0500, Steve Totaro wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, I have yet to see any issues with Sangoma cards 
> and the way they ride on top (and patch) the Zaptel drivers.  This 
> personal dataset is around one hundred productions boxes. 
> Two questions:
> 1.  Have you found something that is broken?
> 2.  If not, why are you so set on fixing things that are not broken?

My issue was with potential interaction between that patch and drivers
of other cards. If I want to maintain a binary package of Zaptel, I
don't want to keep a separate Zaptel version for systems that have
Sangoma cards. I also want to supports systems that have mixed
Sangoma/non-Sangoma cards. This should be obvious.

I am more worried because I have failed to get any replies to those
concerens. Maybe those concerns are not justified. But I'd like to read
it from someone who knows well how Zaptel works and how Sangoma's Zaptel
drivers work. I'd like to get some technical reasoning. I'm not a patch

> Your company (Xorcom) is a direct competitor of Sangoma, is that 
> correct?  

That is correct. Which is why I have made efforts to contact various
people in Sangoma for monthes through private mail. Sadly I have
recieved no reply. You presonally have relayed some of my requests.

> I rarely answer questions or give competitors ideas that may 
> come back and hurt my business.

Fine. I have a technical question. Apart from merely being on Xorcom's
payroll I also co-maintain various Zaptel packages. I rejected that
patch in Debian for reasons I consider purely technical. I feel very
uncomfortable with that patch being included in various other
distributions of Zaptel. Again: this is for technical grounds.

If anybody from Sangoma would have given me a decent technical answer
this dragging could have been avoided.

I consider Zaptel as something various bodies need to work well. 

               Tzafrir Cohen       
icq#16849755              jabber:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
+972-50-7952406           mailto:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com       
http://www.xorcom.com  iax:guest at local.xorcom.com/tzafrir

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