[asterisk-users] SIP Problems continue...

mail-lists mail-lists at peachnet.com
Wed May 9 09:43:18 MST 2007


I have similar problems every now and then on one of my asterisk boxes. 
I'm also running CentOS4 on that box.

I've found that doing a sip reload when in that state results in 
something along : Last reload not yet finished (can't remember the exact 

We're using cisco 7960's here.

The ONLY time I've seen this happening is when I reload everything VIA 

It used to do it every time I reloaded. I read somewhere that this was a 
result of DNS queries not being done in a timely fashion - So I went and 
replaced all the host statement in my trunk with IP addresses and now it 
doesn't do it very often at all.

I don't know if this is your problem at all but it might be worth a 
shot. Replace any host names with IP addresses in sip.conf and anywhere 

Failing that and if you're still pulling your hair out at the end of the 
week ( I know how it is), I would really consider re-installing the box
(I'm using centos5 now on this server I'm configuring currently) and 
starting from scratch.

I know it sounds like a cop out but that's what I would do.

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