[asterisk-users] Manager.conf ' unable to authenticate'

Ken Williams ken at intermountainelectronics.com
Tue Mar 6 13:43:53 MST 2007

Every few seconds I get the following message:
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
  == Connect attempt from '' unable to authenticate

I'm trying to track down where it's coming from.  
I've used TCPDUMP & NGREP to monitor, no data's flowing.  
I've tried loading Asterisk with no modules, tried loading with a naked
manager.conf (only lines are [general] & enabled=yes).
I've cleaned out /var/lib/asterisk.
My full log shows the following every attempt:
[Mar  6 13:32:39] DEBUG[28578] manager.c: Manager received command
[Mar  6 13:32:39] DEBUG[28578] manager.c: Manager received command
[Mar  6 13:32:39] VERBOSE[28578] logger.c:   == Parsing
'/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': [Mar  6 13:32:29] VERBOSE[28567] logger.c:
[Mar  6 13:32:40] VERBOSE[28578] logger.c:   == Connect attempt from
'' unable to authenticate

I've updated from 1.2.13 to 1.4.1 and done everything I could to remove
Trixbox from the picture.  I thought for sure it was a module, but
moving them all out of the picture didn't alleviate the problem.  It
seems as long as manager.conf exists I'm getting these messages.  I've
got 3 boxes setup with mostly identical setups (extensions.conf is
different) and only one box is getting this message.  From what I can
tell from google searches it appears astbill and/or trixbox are likely
to blame but I'm running out of places to look for these culprits.  
Any suggestinos would be greatly appreciated.
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