[asterisk-users] Unicall + MFC/R2 line dropped immediately afterconnect

Steve Underwood steveu at coppice.org
Fri Jun 15 22:01:22 CDT 2007

Peter Gubis wrote:
> Hi,
> connection is already established (i can also hear called person for a
> while). Problem is, that the line is every time dropped after 1 second.
> I assume, that first billing pulse arrives immediately after link is
> established and it drops the line.
> Next week I'll be able to play around with timeouts and will try to
> change mfcr2->clear_back_persistence_check parameter as you advised in
> your second reply.
What you are seeing maybe pulses similar to metering pulses, but for 
another purpose.

In some places it is common practice to create a pulse just after call 
connection. This will kick out any collect calls, and prevent nasty 
unexepected bills. The answer is exactly the same as for tolerating 
meter pulses - set a clearback timeout and things should work OK.

I didn't want to make a clearback timeout the default, as it slows down 
calls. However, people all over South America seem to be hitting this 
problem now. Maybe I should make a timeout the default for some national 
variants, and tell people how to remove it if they don't need it.


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