[asterisk-users] Sending text to a phone that's no in-use ...

Gordon Henderson gordon+asterisk at drogon.net
Thu Jun 14 10:56:25 CDT 2007

Anyone know if it's possible to send a line of text to a phone that's not 
currently in-use?

What I want is:

   SendText(SIP/101, "Hello World")

but that doesn't exist ...

I'm after an application where someone (say a receptionist) can send one 
of a small set of pre-defined messages, so that when someone next looks at 
their phone it might say: "Wife Called", "Check Email", "collect 
printout", and so on, rather than leaving voicemail, but I'm not sure it's 
actually possible...

Failing that, I suppose I could just dump a pre-canned audio file & the 
appropriate header file in the voicemail spool.. but I'd rather just send 
a message to the phone.



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