[asterisk-users] choppy sound with playback, background, etc... but not with musiconhold

Paco Brufal pbrufal at servitux.es
Fri Jun 8 11:11:15 CDT 2007


	I have an asterisk 1.2.18 working fine, the only problem is that all
applications that play audio, sound like "tremolo" or "vibrato", but
musiconhold plays fine.

	The same audio file (wav, mp3, ...) works fine with Musiconhold()
but not with Playback() or Background()...

	If I move app_playback.so from this system to another asterisk,
playback works fine...

	Do you know what is happening and how can I fix it? It's an only SIP
system, no fxo/fxs cards.

	Thanks in advance.


Paco Brufal    <pbrufal at servitux.es>
ServiTux Servicios Informáticos S.L.
Tel. 966 160 600 / Fax. 966 160 601

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