[asterisk-users] DTMF integration pana d500

Miguel miguelrvs at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 17:34:15 CDT 2007

Yes and No
The D500 is a terrible thing
First problem: it sends some horrible DTMF, so if your voicemail is
configured to send #H and *H, it will not work, configure it to send
numbers, like 8H and 9H (H is a placeholder for the extension).
I also managed to use the MWI (message light), it's a perl script that
is in voip-info.org, but with a little correction because the wiki
distorted it.

If you have problems, i suggest you to include the dtmf in the logs or
the console, (activate it in logger.conf, warning: way tooooo
verbose). If asterisk hangs up before all the dtmf digits are
received, you may try increasing the busydetect number.

Also, if the pbx doesn't send the calls to voicemail
to configure the ilde time, go to system timer, and then IRNA timer on
no answer: move from 60 sec (waaaaaaaaaaay too long), to 30 seg or
even 25seg
Also you need to configure the IRNA destinations. You can configure
them in 3 places: for an individual extension, for a extension group
and for a trunk group; also day and night.
when filled with a destination, extensions take precedence over
extensions groups and these two take precedence over trunk groups. If
the same voicemail system services a big portion of users, use the
trunkgroups, if you leave blank, the seleccion passes to a broader

In this very moment i don't have access to the configurations, but i
can send them to you, or post them into voip-info.

On 7/31/07, Alejandro Miron <alejandro.miron at smartla.net> wrote:
> Miguel,
> I saw your post in aug 2006, where you able to get this working? If you did
> could you give me some tips on how you did it?
> ...
> Hello,
> Do any one knows how to integrate a pana D500 to an asterisk VM?
> I´ve done my homework and tried the config in voip-info that talks
> about a pana 1232. That config is valid even for a 308, but in the
> D500 configuration is completely different.
> Specifically the problem is to "receive" the extension digits by any
> mean. Tried to activate the DTMF integration like the lower models,
> but it's not present (at least i didn´t find it). Also tried to
> receive cid, but the commuter doesn't send it, at least in analog
> ports. I'll try in hibrid ports.
> Thanks.
> --
> Miguel Ruiz Velasco
> Open Key Server
> PGP key 0x5931109
> Saludos,
> Alejandro Miron
> Smart Communications
> amiron at smartla.net
> ............................................................
> 20 calle 23-60 zona 10, Guatemala 01010
> PBX: (502) 2356 0000 Fax:  (502) 2385 4804
> Mobile:  (502) 5784 1036
> VOIP-USA: 1 (305) 396 2732
> MSN Messenger: wasas98 at hotmail.com
> Skype: wasas98

There are two kinds of light--the glow that illuminates, and the glare
that obscures.
  - James Thurber
Miguel Ruiz Velasco
Open Key Server
PGP key 0x5931109

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