[asterisk-users] Show call coming back from Call Parking

Asterisk User List asteriskuserlist at advancepkg.com
Fri Jan 26 14:42:00 MST 2007

Our operator has asked if it is possible that when a call times out in
the call parking and comes back to her, if there is someway to show that
call has come back from parking.  I have looked all over the
documentation and have come up with nothing so far.

All I see when a call times out is:    
-- Stopped music on hold on Zap/25-1
  == Timeout for Zap/25-1 parked on 702. Returning to
    -- Executing Dial("Zap/25-1", "SIP/214||t") in new stack
    -- Called 214
    -- SIP/214-09086ff8 is ringing

It appears that the "park-dial" is a context that Asterisk autogenerates
so there is nothing I can do in that context.

Has anyone else found a way to show that this a call returning and not a
new call coming in?


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