[asterisk-users] Polycom phone locks up, send sip busy messages

Jordan Novak jnovak at logisticshealth.com
Tue Jan 16 06:36:18 MST 2007

I have a soundpoint 501 phone that has locked up twice now. You can make
a call but when a call is sent to it, it responds with sip busy
messages. You get the same message when the phone is in do not disturb.
I reset to defaults the first time and it worked for a week or so and
then stopped. The incoming calls are ringing three phones (
dial(sip/1&sip/2&sip/3 ), often two of them are in do not disturb. I
read that I wasn't supposed to register these phone and have them set as
static hosts. The interesting thing is that the phone displays missed
calls every time asterisk tries to send it a call. So instead of ringing
you see the counter fly off the chart. Can anyone give me some insite.
Jordan Novak
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