[asterisk-users] Send email notification

Anselm Martin Hoffmeister anselm at hoffmeister-online.de
Wed Jan 10 09:19:12 MST 2007

Am Mittwoch, den 10.01.2007, 11:46 -0400 schrieb H Aranguren:
> Hi group,
> I'm trying to configure the email notification when a user leave a
> voicemail, but don't work (send email notification).
> I configured esmtp in my linux box, if a try to use it with command
> line, it works fine. (echo "Hello" | sendmail a at b.com -f b at c.com).

You could look wether a voicemail triggers something to happen inside
the mail system at all (logfiles...). In that case, chances are that the
mail cannot be parsed because of misconfiguration in the mail server /
restricted usage of the sendmail -t command or whatever.
In my setup (SMTP server listening on port 25 of the same machine) the
mailcmd is commented out, and It Just Works(tm). If you need mail system
specific help, there sure are lots of forums and info, but I cannot tell
where to connect to esmtp people. Exim is my favourite ;)

> My voicemail.conf
> [general]
> format=wav49
> attach=yes
> serveremail=anonymous at abc.com
> fromstring=Asterisk
> mailcmd=/usr/sbin/sendmail -t
> [my_home]
> 100 => 4444,number100,number100 at abc.com
> Can you see the problem?. Do you know any documentarion on internet
> where can i solve the problem?


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