[asterisk-users] Mini-ITX board + FXO PCI card?

Jean-Denis Girard jd.girard at sysnux.pf
Wed Feb 14 20:22:49 MST 2007

Vincent Delporte a écrit :
> At 10:09 11/02/2007 -0500, Michelle Dupuis Henderson wrote:
>> We use a lot of mini-itx pc's, including the pCI slot.  I don't think 
>> any of the systems have shared an irq with the PCI slot....
> Thanks for the tip. In that case, I have a couple of questions for you :-)
> 1. The smallest mini-ITX case I found that accepts a PCI card is the 
> Travla C138: If you used a mini-ITX with a Digium TDM400P, do you know 
> if it fits? I didn't find its width, and apparently, the C138 will not 
> accept a PCI card bigger than 17,52cm.

I'm using these cases for my Mini-TX projects:
A TDM400P fits nicely.

> 2. Can the Via motherboards boot from a USB drive, so I can install 
> Linux from this and fetch the install files from an FTP server?

Yes, they also boot from USB CDROM, and directly from LAN (PXE).

Jean-Denis Girard

SysNux                  Systèmes Linux en Polynésie française
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