[asterisk-users] Sending SMS from Asterisk

matteo brancaleoni mbrancaleoni at espia.it
Wed Feb 14 03:08:29 MST 2007


On Tue, 2007-02-13 at 18:04 -0700, Stephen Bosch wrote:

> Say I want to build an IVR application which sends an SMS message to a
> mobile telephone when the caller responds to a prompt in certain way.

> I think I can manage the part about generating the message and building
> something to actually send it. The part I'm foggy about is: how would I
> actually get the SMS message to the carrier?

you can also use a gsm card.
the vgsm card allows sending sms from the AMI, along with
full charset support (even cirillic!), sms reports,
multipage sms and so on...

you can check out


Matteo Brancaleoni
R&D Director
Tel  :+39.02.70633354
Voip :sip:matteo at sip.voismart.it

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