[asterisk-users] Newbie question: how to proxy the *real* caller-id on find-me/follow-me

Anselm Martin Hoffmeister anselm at hoffmeister-online.de
Sun Dec 16 03:35:04 CST 2007

Am Samstag, den 15.12.2007, 16:55 -0800 schrieb Philip Prindeville:
> I've got the following set up:
> Someone calls into my PBX on a single number (via SIP trunk from my 
> carrier), and the get a voice menu of extensions.
> On one of the extensions, it rings a bunch of internal SIP hardphones, 
> plus ringing my cellphone via a hairpin through the cairrier's SIP/PSTN 
> gateway.
> The issue is that my cellphone shows my PBX's number, not the original 
> calling number.

This topic has been covered in length. In most cases it seems to end at
the fact that providers "correct" caller-ids they get from the calling
party: If you send any number which is assigned to the PRI (or SIP
trunk), that is fine; if you send another number, it will be changed to
the (first) number of the PRI/trunk.

Few providers allow for "foreign" caller ids to be sent over their
equipment - in some countries this is even illegal.

For example, one of my providers (German) allows to set any CALLERID,
but their documentation warns to not do stupid tricks, as calls can be
tracked and using malicious information will be prosecuted. This feature
is to be used only for sending _my_ cell phone number etc.


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