[asterisk-users] Upgrade to Asterisk 1.4 - it's one year's old!

Olle E Johansson oej at edvina.net
Sun Dec 16 00:47:37 CST 2007

> My biggest gripe is that everything loaded and seemed to work.  A  
> day later we found this did not work and discovered a syntax  
> change.  A day later something else did not work, an other syntax  
> change.  Why isn't there some pre-processor to check the syntax of  
> the config files?  Would have saved me a whole bunch of time I  
> didn't have to spare and still don't.

I fully agree that a preprocessor that checks the configuration would  
be wonderful, much like Apache's "configtest".
Let's hope a developer that knows the internal parsing code can jump  
on that idea and make it happen.

Right now you can run

asterisk -cvvvvv | tee /tmp/debug

with Asterisk 1.4 to get all the messages about errors in all  
configuration files except the dialplan
and files that are loaded when needed (like manager.conf and  

"asterisk -c" starts Asterisk in the foreground and outputs all  
messages to the console, things
that you may not catch otherwise when you start Asterisk in the  

Thanks for your suggestion, I'll make sure it's brought forward. Can't  
promise that it will happen,
since this is an open source project. We rely on the developers and  
the ones that fund the


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