[asterisk-users] Pickup cmd

Rilawich Ango maillisting at gmail.com
Mon Dec 10 22:10:13 CST 2007

  I have tried to add the context but it still doesn't work.

On Dec 9, 2007 11:36 PM, F6HQZ <f6hqz-m at hamwlan.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> Your extension "100" doesn't exist in the context where you have your PickUp
> instruction.
> You must include the context containing your phones into the context used by
> your PickUp instruction or the reverse, or precise the context to use with
> PickUp by adding it into the instruction line :
> [BLF_group_pickup]
> exten => _**1XX,1,Pickup(${EXTEN:2}@context)
> exten => _**1XX,n,Hangup
> Best Regards,
> Francois BERGERET
> France

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