[asterisk-users] where is 1.4.12?

Russell Bryant russell at digium.com
Wed Aug 29 14:45:14 CDT 2007

Bruce Ferrell wrote:
> Several days ago an announcement came out for a SIP bug in versions
> below 1.4.12.  So far I don't see 1.4.12 available for download and I'm
> seeing something that may be the bug...  My asterisk is restarting
> itself about every 30 minutes.

Huh?  If the announcement said that, it was a typo.  The fix for the last
security issue is in 1.4.11, which was released with the security announcement.

Restarting itself?  I assume you are using safe_asterisk?  It is probably
crashing, in which case we'll need a backtrace posted to bugs.digium.com to get
it fixed.

Also, give the latest code in the 1.4 branch a try first.

$ svn co http://svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk/branches/1.4 asterisk-1.4

Russell Bryant
Software Engineer
Digium, Inc.

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