[asterisk-users] Distributed System

Philipp Kempgen philipp.kempgen at amooma.de
Wed Aug 29 09:25:02 CDT 2007

ram wrote:

> any success stories of the setup
> kindly post your config and information

That would be really difficult to understand because this is all
integrated in a bigger project.

Basically we use MySQL to replicate from a central database to
many Asterisk "nodes". (Or you could use MySQL Cluster.) All
Asterisk servers read the sip friends, queues, etc. from their
local MySQL database via Realtime. The users are distributed
across the nodes. A bunch of custom scripts generate parts of
the dialplan or are called via AGI in order to tell it where
to route calls etc.

We constantly check if all the Asterisk nodes respond to SIP
packets, and should one of them ever fail to do so repeatedly
a standby server takes it's place. This is done in less than
10 seconds without any manual interaction.

The configuration is mainly done via command line tools to be
easily scriptable. Additionally every user has access to a web
interface where they can change their callforwarding rules, look
at phonebooks, dialed numbers, missed calls, access voicemail,
program their phone's keys, monitor queue status and so on ...

The system provides all the phones with configuration (mass
deployment), i.e. SIP settings, programmable keys, ringtones, ...
All users are free to log in/out on their handsets or login at a
different handset and have their private phonebook etc. available
there (largely depends on the model).

We are probably going to release our software in about 3 months
or so (can't promise that, don't nail me down to it) under the

  Philipp Kempgen

amooma GmbH - Bachstr. 126 - 56566 Neuwied - http://www.amooma.de
    Let's use IT to solve problems and not to create new ones.
          Asterisk? -> http://www.das-asterisk-buch.de
              My pick of the month: rfc 2822 3.6.5

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Handelsregister: Neuwied B 14998

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