[asterisk-users] Is it possible to register without sending the password

bilal ghayyad bilmar_gh at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 28 17:17:30 CDT 2007

Dear Philipp;

How can I add the verbose and debug to the consol
entry in the logger.conf to be able to take logging
about the attempt of registeration for the sip end


> If secret enabled, then some endpoints can not
> register (maybe due to compatibility in reading the
> negotiation packets), so what is the solution?

I'm sure they can. Maybe you could tell the list which
endpoints don't work?

> Also in SIP registration: why I do not see the log
> registration packets periodically while I can see
> in IAX2? Is it related to my v tracing level?

Probably. How about you try with more vvv?
If you *really* need to see what's going on you might
add "verbose"
and "debug" to the "console=>" entry in logger.conf.
But that's
probably not what you want.

> Last point: I noticed that some endpoints that are
> able to register (when secret is required), then I
> not able to see any log at the asterisk side while
> client still not registered. At least, it should
> display the fail for registeration, why does not
> display it? Is it related to my v tracing level?
> in the same tracing level, I am able to see the
> registeration fail if the endpoint sent an wrong
> username. For example if the context was [bilal_sip]
> and the endpoint username was "bilal_1000" then I
> a the message (log) that declare that registeration
> from bilal_1000 failed (ofcourse because bilal_1000
> not configured while bilal_sip is configured in the
> sip.conf).

Could you send the part of your sip.conf? Sounds like
configuration issue.

  Philipp Kempgen

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