[asterisk-users] HDL F10 brazilian doorbell device + TDM2400

gincantalupo gincantalupo at fgasoftware.com
Tue Aug 28 09:04:23 CDT 2007

I'm trying to connect an HDL F10 device for a friend living in Brazil to 
the TDM2400 on his Asterisk server.
That device should behave like a normal doorbell and it is if connected 
to an analog PBX.
I connected to the TDM2400 and everything works fine except for one 
thing: when the called party hangs up his phone, the F10 HDL device does 
not hang up.
I'm not brazilian and not living there so I do not know if its a matter 
of signalling type or what.
Is there anbody who tried this stuff or similar?



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