[asterisk-users] Firefly IAX2 configuration

Gordon Henderson gordon+asterisk at drogon.net
Fri Aug 24 06:13:51 CDT 2007

On Fri, 24 Aug 2007, bilal ghayyad wrote:

> Dear Gordon;
> Thanks a lot, it is working and it was from the
> firewall.
> But what is the command that I can know all the
> rigestered endusers (iax2 or sip or h323)?
> I tried iax2 show registry but it did not give any
> thing? Can u help?

sip show peers
iax2 show peers


> Regards
> Bilal
> --- Gordon Henderson <gordon+asterisk at drogon.net>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, 20 Aug 2007, bilal ghayyad wrote:
>>> Dear Gordon;
>>> Thanks a lot for your email.
>>> I need one more tracing tool, how can I know the
>> used
>>> port of the IAX on teh Asterisk and wethor the
>>> listening on that port is successully done (ready
>> to
>>> receive on that port)?
>> Use
>>    netstat -lnveep
>> to list open ports and display the programs using
>> them.
>>> About the firewall, actually the client PC and
>> Asterisk on the same LAN
>>> (my PC is and Asterisk is
>>, the only possible
>>> thing is the firewall on the fedora server
>> (Asterisk server), but I am
>>> not so friendly with fedora to know how can I
>> check if the firewall on
>>> fedora enabled if u can help me (fedora is like
>> redhat).
>> I don't know fedora either, but try:
>>    iptables -n -L
>> and it it spews forth lots and lots of lines, then
>> there is local
>> firewalling.
>> You can turn all iptable firewalling off with:
>>    iptables --flush
>>    iptables --delete-chain
>> but it will restore upon reboot (probably)
>> Whether turning all firewalling off is a good thing
>> or not, is up to you,
>> but as it's on a private LAN, then I'd suggest it's
>> probably OK.
>> Gordon
>>> Regards
>>> Bilal
>>>> Hi List;
>>>> I am using Firefly softphone Version 1.9.9 Build
>>> 4521
>>>> and I select IAX protocol and did the
>> configuration
>>> in
>>>> Network1 (and I checked the Active checkbox) as
>>>> following:
>>>> Server:
>>>> username: iax2user1
>>>> password: password
>>>> In the Asterisk, I did the following
>> configuration
>>> on
>>>> the /etc/asterisk/iax.conf:
>>>> [iax2user1]
>>>> type=friend
>>>> context=internal
>>>> username=iax2user1
>>>> secret=password
>>>> host=dynamic
>>>> Then I ran the following:
>>>> #/usr/sbin/asterisk -cvvv
>>>> CLI>reload
>>>> But always I get a message at the firefly that an
>>>> error occured while trying to connect to the
>>> network.
>>>> What else I have to do?
>>> Have you checked your firewall? Is it letting UDP
>> data
>>> through to the
>>> asterisk box on port 4569?
>>>> By the way: what is the command that I can type
>> it
>>> to
>>>> do tracing on the user [iax2user1] or to do
>> traces
>>> on
>>>> any registeration attempts from the clients?
>>> iax2 debug
>>> will generate lots of output for you...
>>>> Last thing, if I am outside the console (in unix
>>> mode), is there any
>>>> command from unix I can type it to know if
>> asterisk
>>> is running or
>>> not?
>>>   ps ax | grep asterisk
>>> is crude, but visual.
>>> Asterisk stores it's PID in /var/run/asterisk.pid,
>> so
>>> you could then
>>> read
>>> that, and check to see if the process with that
>> PID is
>>> actually running
>>> asterisk.
>>> ie. see if /proc/<number> existis, and if-so, see
>> if
>>> it's actually
>>> asterisk by reading /proc/<number>/cmdline
>>> or just see if you can connect to it with the
>>> rasterisk command ...
>>> Gordon
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