[asterisk-users] MoH mysteriously stopped working

Stephen Bosch posting at vodacomm.ca
Wed Aug 8 17:47:57 CDT 2007

Jay Moore wrote:
> Peder,
> Unfortunately, this did not work.  Any other thoughts?

My dumb questions will follow.

>> Jay Moore wrote:
>>> Folks, I have somewhat of a serious issue here.  My music on hold 
>>> mysteriously stopped working.  I have made no changes to my Asterisk box 
>>> in the past month and up until an hour ago, MoH was working fine (as far 
>>> as I know).
>>> CLI:
>>> -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on channel 'IAX2/lobby-2'
>>> -- Stopped music on hold on IAX2/lobby-2
>>> voip*CLI> moh reload
>>> voip*CLI>
>>> 1 class reloaded.
>>>    == Destroying musiconhold processes
>>>    == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf': Found
>>> Aug  8 16:27:33 WARNING[7984]: res_musiconhold.c:422 spawn_mp3: Found no 
>>> files in '/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3'

I think it is trying to play mp3 files.

>>> Aug  8 16:27:33 WARNING[7984]: res_musiconhold.c:504 monmp3thread: 
>>> Unable to spawn mp3player
>>> musiconhold.conf:
>>> -----------------
>>> [default]
>>> mode => quietmp3

Is this mode appropriate when you're using gsm audio files?

>>> directory => /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
>>> random => yes
>>> I have had .gsm (and only .gsm) files in that directory since day one, 
>>> and it's always played them just fine.  The .gsm files are still in that 
>>> directory, and transferring them to my computer and playing them works 
>>> just fine.
>>> I have autoload set in modules.conf, and I can't figure out why my music 
>>> on hold suddenly stopped working.

Obviously, something has changed. Are you absolutely sure that:

- you had only gsm files in that directory
- your system isn't configured to use mp3 MOH files?

There's been a Windows virus going around again that deletes all the
.mp3 files it finds. Is this system running Samba?

What happens when you put an Asterisk ready mp3 file in that directory
and restart Asterisk?


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