[asterisk-users] Purchasing a Sangoma A102 - should I get the hw echo cancellation or not?

Erik Anderson erikerik at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 14:51:52 MST 2007

On 4/23/07, Tom <tom at ispstuff.com> wrote:
> We have installed two of the Sangoma 2 port cards.  Both had echo
> cancellation.  The cost add on was about $450, not $800.  I also had
> a single port T1 card without the echo cancellation.
> The extra money is worth it to me.  Less CPU load and it just plain
> works.  And if a customer is willing to spring for a PRI, they
> usually won't complain about the extra cost for better sound quality.

Thanks for the info, Tom.  I was thinking along those lines, but just
wanted to get some verification.  This is being installed in a fairly
beefy server, and will only be handling ~20 calls at a time or so, so
I don't envision CPU being a problem, but offloading the EC never hurt


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