[asterisk-users] How can I improve call quality?

Ed W lists at wildgooses.com
Fri Apr 20 11:13:11 MST 2007


> Also - are there any useful stats/logs that I can examine to "see" the
> quality of calls?

You didn't mention that you have any QOS on your router, so we can 
basically guarantee that your problem is the internet connection.

Remember that all the research on networking has been how to saturate a 
single connection and download as fast as possible, so when some spod 
hits a website and reads a web page then he grabs basically the whole 
connection for a short space of time.  During that time your voip 
packets tend to loose out and get delayed - the jitter buffer does some 
stuff to try and compensate, but ultimately it will loose

Add some kind of priorisation to the T1 line and your quality should go 
up dramatically

Check first using something like testmyvoip.com to get an idea of your 
situation (stress the internet by opening up lots of simultaneous 
downloads during the test)

Cheap fix is to get a separate DSL line and run the voice over that...

Ed W

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