[asterisk-users] 64 analog phones

Jay R. Ashworth jra at baylink.com
Wed Sep 27 18:07:04 MST 2006

On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 12:02:48PM -0600, Colin Anderson wrote:
> >Were those people -- who, unlike me, had done it and had problems -- wrong?
> There are more variables than the Digium card itself. Things like bus
> design, chipset etc all come into play. I've noticed that there is a
> concerted effort with Asterisk implmentors to often roll out Asterisk in a
> white box clone with a $129 integrated motherboard in an effort to drive
> down the cost which (IMO) is foolish. Why would you (not you, but people)
> spec a DL380G4 for a database server then turn around and use an ECS brand
> motherboard for a telephony platform - a platform which by definition
> requires sub-millisecond response time? Tier 1 boxes are *designed* for this

I concur with your approach, but "Tier 1" means as little here as it
does when evaluating Internet backbone carriers.  could you expand on
what evaluation criteria you use?  I'm going to be pre-speccing some
stuff myself this month...

> type of application and are engineered to conform to spec + safety margin,
> wheras Taiwan clone boards are usually designed to roughly confirm to spec,
> and that's all (notable exception: I have used ASUS motherboards for
> Asterisk installs, and they all work flawlessly)

I've always liked ASUS boards, though some of *them* have problems too.

> I've said it many times before on the list: It's trivial to make a crappy
> Asterisk install. Anyone can do it. It's really, really, hard to make a
> *good* Asterisk install. You need cross-discipline experience, a lot of
> which is hard to come by in the closed, secretive telephony world. Tip o'
> the hat to SHSU. I wouldn't touch *that* install with a space tether.

Has anyone *interviewed* those implementors?  Should I go do it?

Does anyone know what Computer Telephony is paying these days?

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra at baylink.com
Designer                          Baylink                             RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates        The Things I Think                        '87 e24
St Petersburg FL USA      http://baylink.pitas.com             +1 727 647 1274

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