No subject

Tue Sep 5 14:32:44 MST 2006

pattern '.' will match one or more digits in the dialplan. This allows a 
match on a part of a dialed extension. E.g. '_0.' matches anything that 
starts with a 9 and has at least one more digit but not '0' by itself.

Can a pattern be written that immediately matches the '0' as well? I want
to have a single digit 0 from the incoming channel dial out on the
outgoing channel while at the same time allowing the incoming channel to
pass '0phone-number' as well.

I would like to hand over outgoing calls as fast as possible to the trunk 
line. It seems easy enough to add a 'match anything, even nothing' to 
EXTENSION_MATCH_CORE or ast_extension_match.

Peter Svensson      ! Pgp key available by finger, fingerprint:
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