[asterisk-users] Moh stuttering

Boyd Goodin boyd at planetc.com
Thu Oct 12 06:09:06 MST 2006

   Hello Andrew.

      Mpeg123 is not on the system at all so it is using * built in unit. So
far I have only tried under the queue as this is will be used for taking
orders in the evenings with about 22 operators using Sip.


-----Original Message-----
From: asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com
[mailto:asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:32 PM
To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] Moh stuttering

Are you using mpeg123 for format_mp3? Does it happen just with the queue,
how about with WaitMusicOnHold

On 10/11/06, Boyd Goodin <boyd at planetc.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone!
>    I have a slight problem. Running * (trixbox) on a P4 3.0ghz pc with 
> 1.5gig of ram, pbxhardware.com T200P Tor2 dual t-1 card, everything on 
> it's own irq, and about 22 Sip phones (either Grandstream ATA or 
> Budgettone 102 units). IF I have 5 or less calls in queue, MOH and 
> annoucing voice sounds good. Get more calls in queue and Moh and 
> announcer start to stutter. The more calls in queue the worce it stutters.
This is using default MP3 files.
> If I convert to Ulaw I can get up to 17-18 in queue before the 
> stuttering begins.
>   I can duplicate this just using the sip phones on a local network. 
> Dial into the queue and about 4 or 5 sip connections and the Moh 
> starts to stuttering using Mp3 files. Change Mp3 files to gsm and can 
> get all 22 sip phones in queue and only have a stutter every now and then.
>   I have checked everything in the PC. Everything has it's own irg, 
> IDE hard disk but as far as I can tell it is not causing the stutter. 
> I am at a loss why it would do this. We are trying to do an inbound 
> call center on with 2 pri's. Would anyone have any ideas as to where 
> to start? Will it require a faster PC to handle this?
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Boyd Goodin
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