[asterisk-users] Asterisk RT on Disk On Module Performance andDurability

Tim Panton tim at mexuar.com
Tue Oct 10 01:27:07 MST 2006

On 9 Oct 2006, at 21:19, Douglas Garstang wrote:

> I'm just going to jump in here, and ask a stoopid question.
> How could you possibly write a multi-user front end in AJAX without  
> using a database backend like MySQL?

Wandering off topic here, but I'll bite....

There are a few options for backing store when a full database is  
	0) in-memory - load it all into a hash table at start-up and query  
that (like asterisk in static mode)
	1) carefully structured filesystem, using directory trees for  
navigation, files for records etc
		(you can even use symlinks for foreign keys) - you'd be amazed how  
good the filesystem is
		as a database :-)
	3) xml files with xsl to query the data. This works really well for  
smallish files that don't change
		much. Each file change requires a re-write of the whole file, so it  
is inefficient for writes
	4) variation on 0 - one of the in-memory relational databases

I used (don't now) to take the view that anyone who didn't need  
oracle didn't need a
real database, so one of the above would be adequate....

The option discussed earlier of mysql on a ram disk is a variation of  
4 I guess.

Tim Panton


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